Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Florida Fun

When Caitlyn was six weeks old we flew to Maryland to spend Christmas with the Fishers. We had a wonderful time and enjoyed celebrating the holidays with family.

Unfortunately, all three of us got sick while we were there. Poor little Caitlyn was very congested and could barely breathe.

Luckily she was amazing on the flights. She nursed and slept most of the time and didn't even make a peep.

After living in Florida for a year and half now we have become very spoiled when it comes to the weather. We have been trying to take advantage of 70 degrees and sunshine in January by getting outside as much as possible, especially on the weekends.

About a month ago we stopped by a park on our way home from church to look for gators. It was right during Caitlyn's lunch time so she and I hung out in the car most of the time but Eric was able to get some pretty good shots. Caitlyn and I had visited the park with my parents a few weeks earlier when the sun was out but plan to go again to see if we can find the baby gators and see how big they have grown.

Right before Christmas we decided to finally use our annual passes to Busch Gardens. That was pretty poor timing to get annual passes to an amusement park and then find out you are pregnant shortly after :) We had gone last Thanksgiving with Eric's cousin Shanna and her boyfriend and at the time they were offering a deal for Florida residents to pay for a day and go free all next year. Anyway, the passes were expiring at the end of December so we decided to sneak in our one and only visit. We had such a good time! Caitlyn was just over a month old and it was the first time out of the house with her for longer than a couple of hours to run errands or go to the doctor. She did great and loved seeing all of the animals. She had seen gators already but she got to see more gators, giraffes (instead of just her stuffed giraffe :)), birds, lions, hyenas, elephants, a white rhino and and a white bengal tiger. It was a perfect day and we even got to ride a couple rollercoasters. It wasn't quite as fun to stand in line and go on the rides alone since one of us had to stay behind with Caitlyn but we still had a great time.

A couple of weeks ago we went to Fort DeSoto for a picnic and some biking/rollerblading. The weather was great when we left our house but once we got there it was cloudy and had chilled off quite a bit. We still had a great time and can't wait to go back to spend time on the beach.

Last weekend we went to the park down the street from our house and had a picnic. Eric was pretty tired from a long week at his orthopedic surgery rotation so he did a lot of napping in the sun while Caitlyn and I walked around.

I can't wait for it it get even warmer and I can take Caitlyn to the pool. She is definitely going to be a beach baby!

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